
What is Safe-T-Com?

STC is a world first innovative online automated platform that allows inductions and safety meetings or toolbox talks to be conducted on a smart phone, company tablet or computer at any-time and meet the full requirements of a consultation process. STC can either add to a client’s current safety processes or be the core element.

How does Safe-T-Com work?


  • We tailor the online induction to be specific to your organisation and requirements and then upload it to our platform.
  • A link to the online induction, along with generic login details, are then provided to your company’s representative, which can then be sent to your employees.
  • At anytime your employee can login with their personnel contact details and view the 10-12 min PowerPoint video presentation.
  • The details of the induction and results are sent to your company’s representative as well as the employee notifying them of the outcome.

What are the benefits of Safe-T-Com Inductions?

  • All content for the inductions are specific to your organisation and approved by management.
  • Inductions are provided consistently across all employees.
  • Records of induction outcomes are then electronically sent to the necessary stakeholders.
  • As this is a simple PowerPoint video the inductions can be altered anytime at minimal cost.

The induction is simple to produce and fully automated on our platform and is extremely cost effective for any organisation.


Production material specific to your organisation: $500.00

Monthly subscription based on a 12 month contract: $50-$100*/month

*(Based on 50-400 employees)

Safety Meetings/Toolbox Meetings:

  • An automated email is sent to all employees with a link to the online platform.
  • They login with their individual details on a smart phone, company tablet or computer and view the 5min PowerPoint video presentation.
  • They are able to answer a questionnaire relative to the material and specific to the client.
  • In a comment box, they can identify hazards and request subjects for other safety meetings.
  • They are also able to engage in a live chat-box with other employees about the subject matter.

The person’s name, how long they watched the video for, the answers to the questionnaire and any identified hazards, are then sent in a report to an identified team member. The subjects’ specific to the client can rotate throughout the year at predetermined periods and can be added too at any time. The content can be communicated in the language of choice and relevant to the country’s laws.

What are the benefits of Safe-T-Com?

  • STC can add value to a client’s current safety meetings.
  • Safety meetings are conducted regularly despite location and with minimal impact on production.
  • All details are recorded electronically with no paper trail and meet compliance requirements.
  • A fully automated system that simply drives itself.
  • A safety culture is adopted with “consultation” being the key element.


1 induction video and 12-15 safety videos specific to your organisation: $900.00

Additional safety videos: $150/each.

Monthly subscription based on a 12 month contract: $1/per employee*

*(Based on minimum $100/ per month)